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8 Tips for Overcoming Social Anxiety
How to Empower Students to Overcome Social Anxiety that is Impacting Their Functioning Level at School Navigating social anxiety in a...

8 Tips for the Thanksgiving Table: Eating Disorders and the Holidays from a Westchester,NY Therapist
Hello All! It seems as if November has flown by in the blink of an eye. With Thanksgiving very quickly approaching, here are some tips...

5 Ways to Prioritize Mental Wellness When Using Social Media from a Scarsdale, NY Therapist
Social media is a BIG part of our world and it only continues to get bigger. Throughout the week, whether in my personal life or my...

Mirror Reflections: Navigating Body Image Distress in High School in Scarsdale, NY
High school is a pivotal time in a young person's life, marked by physical, emotional, and social changes. One prominent issue during...

Navigating Life Transitions: A Guide to Thriving in College from a Therapist in Westchester, NY
Starting college or returning to school after a break can be an exciting yet daunting journey. It's a time of new beginnings, fresh...

Diaries of a Child & Adolescent Therapist in Westchester, NY: 4 Things Your Child Wants You to Know
As a child and adolescent therapist, I spend a lot of time talking to my clients about their family dynamic, communication styles, needs...

5 Tips from an Eating Disorder Therapist in Scarsdale, NY: How to stay on track in the summer
Summer is here! And as fun and exciting as it is to have the warmer months, vacations planned and being done with school, summer can be a...

Tips from a Child Therapist in Westchester, NY: 4 Ways To Tell If Your Child Is Making Progress
As a child and teen therapist, I can see that it is difficult for parents/care-givers to leave their child for a 45-minute therapy...

7 Tips from an Eating Disorder Therapist in Scarsdale, NY: Managing the Holidays
As joyous as the Holiday Season is, it can also be overwhelming. There are many things that need to be coordinated and sorted out, family...

3 Tips from an Eating Disorder Therapist in Eastchester, NY: Managing Thanksgiving
Hello All and Happy November! With Thanksgiving approaching, I wanted to bring back a guide that I created last year of how to navigate...

6 Tips to Stop Body Checking and Improve Body Image from an Eating Disorder Therapist in NY
In today's society, it is not uncommon for someone to struggle with their feelings towards how their body looks. We are constantly being...

6 Questions to Ask About Taking Your Child to a Therapist in Westchester, NY
As a parent/care-giver, you want what's best for your child. You want them to be happy and safe, and to thrive in life. Sometimes,...

6 Tips for Getting Your Child Back to School Ready from a Child Therapist in Scarsdale, NY
The end of summer is fast approaching (sad, I know), which means it's time to start thinking about getting your kids back-to-school...

7 Ways to Work Towards Positive Body Image
Working as an eating disorder therapist and a therapist who works with teenagers, body image is something that I talk about almost on a...

4 Reasons Teens Today Are Struggling With Anxiety: What Parents Need to Know
"We've given them everything, why are they still struggling?" Teens today are experiencing unprecedented levels of anxiety. According to...

5 Signs that your Teen may be Struggling with an Eating Disorder
“Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions,...
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