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How to address Stuck Processing in EMDR Therapy from a NY EMDR Therapist
Why does reprocessing get stuck during EMDR Therapy? What is stuck reprocessing in EMDR Therapy is a common question asked by therapists...
Are you Emotionally Avoidant? EMDR may Help!
Emotional avoidance is a common occurrence, especially for survivors of emotional neglect. Learn more about how EMDR can help...
What is Looping in EMDR Therapy?
In EMDR Therapy , there is a common term referred to as "Looping". Looping is when an individual in is the middle of Phase 4 of EMDR...
You don't have to be doing eye movements to be doing EMDR Therapy!
It's a common misconception that you have to be doing eye movements to be doing EMDR Therapy. Watch the video to learn more
How Long Does EMDR Take?
What to Expect for the Length of Treatment in EMDR Therapy “How long does it take?” is one of the most frequently asked questions when...
How to Use the EMDR Self Care Protocol for Coronavirus
Dr. Gary Quinn of the EMDR Institute of Israel created a specific EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) intervention in...
How does Virtual Counseling Work?
Just because #coronavirus has caused many of us to stay home, that doesn’t mean you can't access counseling sessions with your...
How to use EMDR to treat Coronavirus Anxiety (COVID-19)
There have been a lot of inquiries and questions about how to best respond to coronavirus anxiety with EMDR. The information from EMDRIA...
How To Do EMDR Virtually
EMDR therapy telehealth westchester ny Virtual EMDR
Try this Technique if You're Stressed or Anxious!
Do you often feel stressed or anxious? Do you need a technique or skill that can help in the moment? Then here's tip for your anxiety...
3 Red Flags For Child Anxiety & Depression
Here are 3 things to look out for if you think that your child might be suffering from depression or anxiety. 1. Irritability Depression...
4 Ways Mindfulness Can Improve Business Productivity
Mindfulness is such a buzz word lately. We hear it everywhere, from the top gurus to Time magazine. Some people choose not to use...
Why It's Beneficial to Feel Your Emotions
Emotions are tricky. Sometimes they are simple, and can be easy to understand. Other times, they seem to appear out of nowhere. When...
How Mindfulness Improves Self Esteem
A healthy self-esteem is described as a positive attitude towards yourself. It includes an appreciative, realistic, and balanced view of...
4 Tips for Having Difficult Discussions
With everything that is being covered in the news and happening in our country lately, it is natural to feel discouraged and want to...
How Mindfulness Can Improve Anxiety
Mindfulness can be described as an ability to be fully present and aware of the existing moment, without interpreting or judging it. ...
5 Steps to Heal Your Inner Child
Healing From Emotional Abuse and Neglect Is childhood a painful memory for you? Or can you not remember all that much from your younger...
How To Trick Your Body Into Feeling Calm
Breathing and stress have a very strong connection. The primary role of breathing is to absorb oxygen and to expel carbon dioxide...
Going With Your Gut
Why Listening to Your Intuition is the Way to Go How many times have you thought, “I should have trusted my gut!”? When we face an...
6 Ways to Become a Better Athlete
Visualization for Athletic Success Visualization, also known as mental rehearsal or mental imagery, is a technique in which we imagine...
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